The tool is still in beta and is therefore lacking in some features and has some stability issues, but after using it to generate my own map and history, I'm surprised at how easy and quick it can be. Instructions and latest download links can be found in the mod's subredditalong with helpful threads to help you sort out any problems you might run into. Like Dwarf Fortress, this tool uses procedural generation that you can tailor with some basic options to help influence how these new civilizations take shape, and when it's done, you can export the map to Crusader Kings 2. Traditionally, Crusader Kings 2 only lets you play with the historical building blocks of medieval Europe, but thanks to yemmlie's Crusader Kings 2 History and Map Generator, you can now create entirely fictional societies and landmasses to play out your murderous schemes for power. Thanks to Reddit user 'yemmlie,' that same feeling can be found in Crusader Kings 2. Cultures rise and fall, religions spread and wane, and at the very end of this time lapse of history, your dwarf colony begins its own story. But if there's one aspect of it that brings me back again and again, it's that surreal moment of starting a new world and watching thousands of years of history play out in just a few minutes.
Dwarf Fortress has always been intimidating and complex.